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Basic Plyometric Training Program That Helps Build Muscle Mass


Chris Pratt is an American bodybuilder and professional wrestler. He achieved the rank of "Wrestling champion" at both the 2021 World wrestling tournaments. As a wrestler, he holds the record for most career victories by a wrestler, at over 25. He is also a two time Olympic Gold medal winner. He has dedicated his muscle building workout routine to sculpting his shoulders. Let's take a look at how he does it.

He starts his workout with cardiovascular exercises and then adds weight with free weights in between sets. He gets about five hours of sleep and eats a very healthy diet consisting of lots of chicken and fish, eggs, vegetables, whole grain carbs, low fat milk, and low fat protein. He eats four or five meals a day depending on how many days he has been working out. He starts each workout with a full body workout consisting of squats, push-ups, chest and arm curls, shoulder press, reverse crunches, leg raises, calf raises, back extensions, and more. Then he breaks down his exercise routine into smaller high repetition sets of compound exercises that target each muscle group.

Each set of six to eight reps is performed three to four times. Each set is broken down into four to six reps with a four-minute rest pause between each set. When finished with each workout, he will then stretch and massage his shoulders and abs. This rest pause gives the muscles a chance to recover and become stronger.

The first workout of his is called "bench press", where he lifts either a barbell or dumbbell for each of the shoulders. He is required to alternate hands for each set. During the exercise, he should keep a strict posture to avoid any injuries. Once finished with the exercise, he places the barbell or dumbbell on the side away from his body and holds for two seconds before lowering it slowly to the side.

The second exercise is called "legs", which is composed of twelve to fifteen reps of cable flyes. Each pair of flies is performed three to four times. Chris' third workout of the superset is called "rows". In this set, he places the barbell across his chest with his dumbbells positioned below. Next, he rows down until his arms are fully extended and his elbows are locked out. He finishes the set by resting for one minute before performing another set.

The fourth workout of the superset is known as the "bend over row" and the name pretty well sums up the whole exercise. It also the exercise that Chris' favorite and will usually do first thing in the morning when he gets up. Again he will use three sets of ten reps, but this time, he does not pause before each set. Instead, he chooses a new number and begins the set, pausing two seconds before the last rep.

The last of the superset, this workout is also done in the morning and has been the basis for many of Chris' other workouts. In this one, he squats and then quickly turns around and performs a quick power cleans. Then he does a good old twist and then a jump rope. This workout has been used and adapted into Chris Pratt's regular program, which makes it very easy to incorporate into any fitness routine.

All this sounds good, but how can we apply this to fat loss? Well the answer is simple. As Chris explains, most people focus on cardio during their workouts. They eat a lot of carbs and eat little or no fat. The problem is that what they are missing is the fuel source that allows muscle growth to occur.


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